
2023 Directory | CHANNELV ISION 67 Culture is to an organization as personality is to an individual. When you think of company culture, think of it as the ID of the company. It’s not just a slogan or a marketing campaign; it’s how employees work, interact with customers and feel about their jobs. Essentially, company culture is the core of every organization. Why Should I Care? As a business owner, company culture should be your top priority. It is the first thing a potential customer will notice about your company, shaping their perception of you. Company culture has a direct impact on how people feel, how they work and how they interact with each other. You should care because company culture is extremely important for businesses. People are more likely to talk about a company when they have a strong brand identity and align with their personal values. Companies with good reputations are more trusted than those with bad reputations. Therefore, if you want to build long lasting relationships with customers, you need to ensure your values are aligned with theirs. How Can I Have a Strong Company Culture? Company culture encompasses how employees behave and is the foundation of everything they do. Therefore, you should start at the beginning of the hiring process. Hire employees with positive attitudes and those who generally like your company. Implement employee recognition programs and never stop motivating your employees to do their best. Build a fully engaged team that wants to contribute to the company’s success. Don’t forget about your customers! We live in a world where influencers are paid more than CEOs of Fortune 500 companies. They influence people about brands by sharing real-life experiences and reviews. When customers are doing well, they automatically act as positive ambassadors for your brand. Other companies want to be like them. Consider your partners as your influencers and your employees as your company ambassadors. How Does Bicom Systems Do It? Bicom Systems is well known to have a strong reputation and company culture. They work directly with resellers and therefore have built their empire on the success of partnerships. In fact, Bicom System does not refer to its customers as anything other than partners. Between partners and employees, Bicom Systems has stamped every continent and time zone with its presence. Its employees provide its partners with the necessary tools to become successful. Not only with their products, but also with resources that show how service providers can benefit from their products and services to help their partners’ end users better run their businesses and stay profitable. The employees of Bicom Systems are proud to develop the solutions its partners sell. The employees speak highly of the company for the products and the different initiatives the company executes. Learn about the dedicated CARE Team of Bicom Systems and the importance of core values at Become a Bicom Systems Partner Today. +1 (647) 313 1515 Company Culture and Why You Should Care