
73 2023 Directory | CHANNELV ISION PROFILE By Brady Hicks Simwood Unlocks Business Potential with Flexible Hosted Platform Services For today’s businesses, having access to cutting-edge carrier service options can make a big difference. Whether you’re talking about custom app integration, SMS, hosted telephony or some other area, the key for these firms comes in finding a provider that can customize these tools in ways that can help their organizations thrive. Simwood believes it has that answer. The company – which originated in the U.K. before spreading throughout Europe and the U.S. – is making inroads in the CLEC (competitive local exchange carrier) market with a comprehensive portfolio of services over its flexible, hosted platform. “We’ve been selling wholesale and carrier services for years through our platform for hosted telephony,” said Simwood CEO, Grahame Davies. “We’re able to sell it through partners and agents in a number of different ways.” Among its primary areas of focus are developing top-notch options, including those that use white-label branding, with a competitive cost structure. By embracing white label, businesses can offer more frontfacing options, replete with their own unique branding and other distinguishing features, all while customizing the IT services in play according to their own need. Plus, Simwood can extend networking, support and other critical areas, all as part of a more comprehensive solution. “By making it so people can do white label, it opens up flexibility,” Davies continued. “They can even do invoicing. They can collect payments. Or we can make an arrangement where they’re an agent and can collect commission.” Regardless of the scenario, Simwood is dedicated to giving companies access to the services that they need in the ways they can best be allocated. Take, for example, technically focused clients that demand access to complex APIs, web streaming or webhooks. “On both sides of the services, you can interact directly with calls, setting up functionality based on what is happening with them,” said Davies. “You’re not combining just the features we provide. You can automate provisioning – phone sets, headsets, things like that. We find that it’s a really good area for new business.” Another highlight is Simwood’s app, which is likewise available in both branded and unbranded options. While both are available across iOS and Android environments, the branded option is made limitedly available for larger companies. With it, they can incorporate their own custom logos, verbiage and other branding on top of the other features they may like to offer. “We’re talking about minor tweaks, but there’s much bigger stuff as well,” said Davies. “We’re talking about extensive integrations. Things like provisioning for more handsets, integration with CRM systems and other areas that make our options so special. We’re always looking to see how we can expand on some of our features and the access we provide to them.” One such example is Simwood’s trialing of a voice-to-text feature that converts audio messages into text form. While this type of technology has been readily available for some time, Simwood prides itself on its ability to deliver more accurate and detailed transcriptions than ever before. “It’s a really flexible way of receiving voicemails,” said Davies. “Whether you have a meeting or are on a train or something, there are many cases where reading a text is a lot easier.” With similar new developments also underway, Simwood remains poised to help firms address future carrier service needs. After all, its success is rooted in a strong history of focusing on, crafting, integrating and promoting featured development. “There are always things to expand upon,” smiled Davies. “We have some exciting ideas that will no doubt be coming out next year and beyond.” For more information on Simwood, its portfolio and partner opportunities, visit or call (833) 857-3277.