
Today’s threat actors stalk the internet (maybe even your own network), constantly refining their hacking techniques and biding time until the perfect moment arises to attack their intended target. Experienced attackers generally don’t need to deploy malware during the early stages of an attack, instead implementing tools such as installed software, misconfigurations or operating system components to successfully target their victims. In part because of this, even the most advanced threat detection (which oftentimes identifies attacks only after they’ve begun) could fall short in keeping organizations protected. To develop a stronger defense strategy, organizations need to be more proactive in their approach using techniques such as threat hunting. The goal of threat hunting is to predict and stop attacks by analyzing networks, data and endpoints to pinpoint suspicious activity that existing technology-based solutions may overlook. While these technology-based solutions continue to be critical in cybersecurity plans, threat hunting calls for a more human-centric approach in order to be effective. This allows organizations the ability to move faster than the threat, often stopping attacks before they start. However, certain challenges tend to arise when organizations attempt to introduce a threat hunting program. As By Iratxe Vasquez Stopping advanced threats a key tactic for MSPs CYBER PATROL IN THE HUNT 26 CHANNELV ISION | MARCH - APRIL 2022