
GLOBAL CHANNEL BENEFITS FROMMOVE TO CLOUD By Bruce Christian A funny thing happened on the way to the world shutting down to deal with the pandemic: cloud transformation grew. “Honestly, the COVID situation has been an enabler for more acceleration of cloud transformation and transformation of cloud support for more of the medium-sized businesses that we work with,” said Aziz Benmalek, during an interview with Channel Vision Magazine. Benmalek, who has been in the industry for more than 30 years, is serving as interim president of Sage North America and executive vice president of its global partner organization. Sage helps to elevate the work of finance teams by empowering them to use technology to make their day-to-day tasks easier and more efficient. Despite the roller-coaster ride we’ve been on caused by starts and stops due to variants of COVID-19, Benmalek sees optimism because this acceleration he cited either has helped or still could benefit the channel. “The good news is a lot of our interested partners already started on accelerating digital transformation and how to evolve the way we engage with customers in a digital way, and how to help them in moving to the cloud,” Benmalek explained. “It enables more flexible business models. Sage North America’s Aziz Benmalek INTERNATIONAL AGENTS 14 CHANNELV ISION | MARCH - APRIL 2022