
8 CHANNELV ISION | SEPTEMBER - OCTOBER 2022 Organizations, now more than ever, are adopting container technology. Instead of powering up servers and instances in the cloud, they are using containers to run business applications. In turn, securing these containers has become equally as important as securing other digital assets that the business is dependent upon. There are two main pillars to think about. For starters, there is the code. Businesses want to be able to scan the containers and make sure that they are running legitimate code without any vulnerabilities. Next is the network. Businesses need to control access to and from the container (what it can connect to), both inside the same cluster, other clusters, and different parts of the network. To understand the role of container security within the overall view of network security, there are three points to consider. First, if you’re only concerned about securing the containers themselves, then you’re looking at nano-segmentation, which involves very granular controls inside the applications. Secondly, if you’re thinking about a slightly wider scope then you may be more concerned with microsegmentation, where you are segmenting between clusters or between servers in a single environment. Here you will want to enforce security controls that determine the allowable communication between specific endpoints at specific levels. Finally, if the communication needs to go further, from a container inside one cluster within one cloud environEffective container security controls becoming a must to securely manage application connectivity. Here’s some useful container best practices to help do just that. CYBER PATROL CONTAINING CONTAINER ISSUES By Prof. Avishai Wool