Enabling the Lifestyle that Better Broadband Provides Removing Barriers to Fiber Deployment Learn how to simplify your deployments at www.SeeClearfield.com or call 800-422-2537 DOUBLING Your Rate of Homes Passed is a Matter of TIME Surpassing your deployment milestones by doubling the rate of your PON cabinet deployments is possible with Clearfield’s FastPass™ approach. Our customers do it every day with in-cassette splicing. FastPass takes you to the front of the line in your race to revenue. Splicing inside the Clearview® Cassette will: • Double your cabinet deployments • Minimize your labor costs • Reduce operational/maintenance costs Accelerating deployments means accelerated subscriber revenues and improved service turn-up time. Ask Clearfield to show you how. Challenging the Status Quo with FastPass Scan here to learn more about FastPass!