ChannelVision Magazine
EMERGENT Well, if nothing else, one company thinks drones can save U.S. farmers hundreds of thousands of dollars in a matter of minutes. According to the folks at DroneDe- ploy, from potatoes to corn, farmers have to manually map hundreds of acres of land in order to maintain information about their crops. And even then, one bad rainstorm could send 70 hours of work down the drain (and that’s for a small field). Enter DroneDe- ploy, a drone mapping software startup that recently used infrared imaging to help a North Dakota potato farmer identify faults in his planting operations, select a flood-resistant strain of pota- toes, and save $40 million in crop loss. From estimating crop yield or gauging flood damage to spotting ab- normalities in crop planting patterns, drone maps supply much more detailed insights than farmers can manually collect, says DroneDeploy. Agriculture drones also can scout a site in 20 min- utes that would normally take days to survey on foot, and generate a detailed map in seconds via the cloud, while drone “autopilot” modes maximize ef- ficiency in the air, letting farmers freely analyze incoming data as their drone flies precise, pre-planned routes. The adoption of connected health devices was up 41 percent in 2017, among broadband households, rising from just 4 percent in 2016. “Consumerization of healthcare moves care services into the home, where people have connected devices and apps to aid with caretaking, disease management, sleep tracking, and more,” said Jennifer Kent, Director of Research Quality & Product Development, Parks Associates. “Crossover opportunities between connected health and smart home create new revenue opportunities and new avenues to support consumers’ health, fitness, and independent living.” GM Taking Lead on Autonomous Cars Names such as Tesla and Waymo tend to come to mind when discussing driverless cars, but legacy automaker GM is in position to mass produce and monetize autonomous vehicles in the near term, according to a new Deutsche Bank analyst note. The note predicts that GM will have fully autono- mous vehicles that don’t require a hu- man driver ready for commercial launch in quarters, not years. GM executives pointed to recent tests conducted with self-driving cars in complex urban environments such as San Francisco as proof that they are nearing commercial launch. GM also recently unveiled its first com- mercial design for an autonomous car, dubbed the Cruise Generation 3. Deutsche Bank predicted that GM will leverage its autonomous vehicles to take a sizeable chunk of the mobility services market. Once the Generation 3 is fully ready for commercial launch and production, GM plans to use it for commercial fleets that can provide mo- bility services, including ride-hailing. Deutsche expects autonomous vehicles will lead to an explosion in the market for ride-hailing services. o Are Drones the New Face of Farming? Photo courtesy DroneDeploy ourne by sector Technology Priorities for IoT Initiatives 7% 10% 11% 13% 10% 22% 21% 20% 23% 26% 20% 28% 29% 37% 27% 31% 24% 31% 29% 5% tal cts ies ies es ort ms tor ion rty ent tor ion es nnual Spend Comparison loT Security loT Infrastructure Equipment loT Applications Big Data Analytics for loT IT Staff to Support loT Which of the following technologies or proce organization to deploy in 2017 for your IoT i US UK Total 54% 76% 65% 59% 58% 55% 54% 51% 49% 48% 48% 47% 45% hit by ransomware in the last 12 months timization So rce: Parks Associ tes 50% 25% 0% Q2/2014 Q3/2015 Q3/2016 Q2/2017 % Owning At Least One Connected Health Device How Would You Use Driverless Taxi Services Source: BI Intelligence Primary use my own car but occassionally use driverless taxi services Primarilly use driverless taxi services but keep my own car Rely on driverless taxi services exclusively Exclusively use my own car US, 2017 48% 30% 11% 11% nths) 26% 28% 29% 37% 27% 31% % 31% 29% 33% 32% 34% 31% 37% 38% 36% Overall Adoption of Connected Health Devices (2014-2017) Source: Parks Associates 50% 25% 0% Q2/2014 Q3/2015 Q3/2016 Q2/2017 % Owning At Least One Connected Health Device U.S. Broadband Households Connected Health Devices Up 41% Channel Vision | January - February, 2018 10
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