DAY 2 WWW.WISPA.ORG 15 www.bekabusinessmedia.com Tarana Wireless announced the FCC certified Gigabit 1 (G1), its next-gen fixed wireless access (ngFWA) broadband platform, in the new unlicensed 6GHz spectrum. Tarana is the first manufacturer to receive an equipment authorization grant from the FCC in 6GHz. After announcing G1’s 6GHz capability in October of 2023, Tarana began shipping the new equipment for customer pilots. This grant will allow ISPs to operate commercially in the 6GHz UNII-5 and UNII-7 bands, with 4W EIRP power that is managed by the automated frequency coordination (AFC) system. More than 200 ISPs in 21 countries have adopted Tarana ngFWA technology, in CBRS and unlicensed 5GHz, to better reach underserved communities with high-speed broadband. Known for its unprecedented ability to cancel radio interference, the G1 platform can help operators planning to leverage unlicensed 6GHz. G1 also brings flexible sub-carrier channel configuration to 6GHz spectrum. In contrast to systems based on Wi-Fi standards that require operation in 160MHz wide channels, G1 can operate in multiple independent sub-channels, allowing the system to achieve full-gigabit performance, even when the presence of incumbent radio links and competing ISPs in the 6GHz band limit the availability of clean, contiguous 160MHz channels. A recent study conducted by Tarana in partnership with Comsearch (a leading 6GHz AFC provider) examined channel availability for 100,000 tower locations throughout the U.S. The study found that in rural America where the digital divide is widest, 70 percent of locations cannot maximize the benefits of the 6GHz band without G1’s unique sub-carrier operation — and nearly 50 percent of suburban locations are similarly spectrum-limited for Wi-Fi technology. J Visit Tarana Wireless at WISPAMERICA booth #201. Tarana: G1 Gains FCC Certification as Outdoor 6GHz Product