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Global Capacity spent 2015 ramping up its channel

strategy, and now boasts hundreds of partners in its partner

program who are working with the company to design and sell

customized network solutions to meet a variety of complex

business needs.

The move is a significant evolution for the connectivity-

as-a-service company, which purchased MegaPath’s channel-

oriented network services business unit in January 2015. The

acquisition expanded Global Capacity’s services footprint but

also gave it an inherited base of additional channel partners,

for whom it provides a streamlined path to network design

that is unique in the industry.

Global Capacity’s unique value proposition for partners lies

in the One Marketplace platform. As market factors, including

Ethernet and cloud growth as well as the proliferation of higher

bandwidth applications, create unprecedented demand for

advanced connectivity services, agents, VARs, resellers and

others find themselves needing to provide tailored connectivity

designs for their enterprise and SMB customers.

One Marketplace combines an interconnected,

aggregated data network with a cloud-based application

that automates the design, pricing, delivery and

maintenance of network solutions from a raft of carrier

partners, all governed by a single MSA, SLA and invoice.

In this way, it eliminates the complexity and inefficiency of

buying connectivity to preferred business destinations.

In all, One Marketplace offers a cornucopia of multi-carrier

services for channel partners to leverage for their end users.

The portfolio includes:

• Internet services and private line across the U.S.

and internationally

• Largest EoC network provides near ubiquitous reach

from 2,007 central offices

• National T1 coverage provides reliable low bandwidth

solutions for smaller branch offices

• High bandwidth Internet leveraging greatest state of

interconnectedness to fiber providers

• Carrier Ethernet – built on MEF ENNIs with the ability

to deliver end-to-end services and SLAs

• 1Gbps and below services

• Competitive pricing in Tier 2 and 3 markets,

as well as Tier 1

• Near ubiquitous coverage

• 9.6 million U.S. addresses

• 40 million global addresses

• Direct connectivity to cloud providers

• AWS, Google Cloud Platform and Equinix Cloud Exchange

• Multisite, multi-state, multi-country network solutions

• Sourcing International connectivity

• Recent multisite wins include China, Central America and

South America.

• Complex multi-site, multi-technology private networks

With a range of connectivity types at their fingertips,

partners can give companies a total solution to accommodate

all of their last-mile needs with the combination that makes

the most sense from a capacity and budget perspective,

across fiber, cable access, copper or a mix. As such,

partners can help enterprises and SMBs to support varied

requirements such as disaster recovery and backup, WAN

optimization, fax lines and alarm lines, SIP trunking and IP

communications, applications and more – all within a single

customized communications solution.

With the ability to identify the best access solutions to

meet customers’ specific data, voice and cloud needs and

requirements, partners can differentiate themselves with

design and planning, offering multiple options with quality,

scalability and economics at the forefront, and then overseeing

the implementation until completion.

Global Capacity also offers partners access to managed

services and over-the-top applications. The company’s recent

agreement with Intelepeer is one example of how Global

Capacity is working with application, OTT and cloud providers

to bundle together connectivity and applications for agents

and master agents to take to market. Partners with their own

managed services can also leverage One Marketplace to bring

a total solution to their customers.

IntelePeer established interconnection to Global

Capacity’s One Marketplace at its Chicago, Dallas and

Denver switching facilities, to enable the efficient delivery

of its CoreCloud SIP trunking service to end-user locations.

With access to real-time pricing and an automated

service delivery platform, IntelePeer can secure the high-

performance Ethernet connectivity needed to quickly and

cost-effectively connect customer locations across the U.S. to

its SIP trunking service.

“Extending network reach via One Marketplace has enabled

IntelePeer to reliably deliver our SIP trunking service to any U.S

customer regardless of their location,” says Phil Bronsdon, CTO

at IntelePeer. “Along with expanding our market share, One

Marketplace’s quick turnaround on quotes and proactive circuit

monitoring resulted in improved responsiveness and accuracy,

thus enabling the best customer experience.”







T lephony






Global Capacity Embraces

the Channel with



2016 Directory


