ChannelVision Magazine
Historically, there have been pretty clear lines between system integrators depending on the type of cellular coverage solutions they offer and the types of customers they are willing to service. There are big iron DAS (distributed antenna system) inte- grators that only do massive venues of more than a million square feet; passive DAS installers of re- peaters and coax for small businesses; broadband and cabling installers, microwave tower solution providers; as well as IT network and Wi-Fi installers that are contracted by IT departments. During the past year, however, the lines between these integrators and installers have been blur- ring. This is partly due to the introduction of cel- lular connectivity technology for the massive and underserved middleprise market that provides the QoS of solutions at the top end of the spectrum, with a price point and remarkably faster and easier installation than virtually any installer in any of these niches could previously deliver. Atlantic Technology Group, based in Maryland, is one of the integrators that has kept on top of the The Case for DAS Hybrid Mobile & Wireless S potting disruptive technology is not always easy. Even so, the most successful channel partners are in tune with the ebbs and flows of market fluctuations. They constantly keep an eye out for opportunities to expand into bigger markets, leveraging new technologies that enable them to keep pace with, or ahead of, lucrative market trends. AtlanticTechnology Group solves cellular signal problems for law enforcement agency and major newspaper with new active DAS hybrid By Tim Lewis Channel Vision | July - August, 2018 32
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