Granite Telecommunications recently announced support for A Bed for Every Child, a Massachusetts Coalition for the Homeless program that works with public schools, as well as other community organizations, to provide free new twin beds for children in need throughout Massachusetts.
A Bed for Every Child is one of several charitable organizations that the company is spotlighting on a new website created to raise awareness for philanthropic initiatives supported by Granite Gives Back, an internal organization created and staffed by Granite teammates.
Through the Build a Bed program, more than 60 Granite volunteers have been building, sanding and painting 35 twin beds for children in need. The company also is donating books, pillows and blankets as well as $250 per bed.
In addition, visitors can donate to support Granite Gives Back’s future initiatives.
Philanthropy and giving back to the community are integral to Granite’s culture. Granite Gives Back has donated money, time and materials, raising more than $210 million for charities over the years.
Since its inception, Granite has cultivated a culture of giving in many ways, including by generously supporting charitable causes to positively impact the communities in which team members work and live. In addition to A Bed for Every Child, the company and its employees also recently supported the Boston Pride Parade and Virginia’s DRIVE SMART events for high school students. This year, Granite’s annual charity event, “Saving by Shaving”, raised $6.5 million for Boston Children’s Hospital.
Granite employees also choose a 501c3 accredited charity each week for “Jeans Day Donations.” For just a $3 donation, employees have the option of wearing jeans on Fridays. Granite then matches all money raised and 100 percent of the proceeds go directly to the charity.