Harbor Peak Network Solutions LLC , a joint entity specializing in dark fiber, interconnect and network planning services on a carrier-neutral basis, broke ground on a middle-mile network infrastructure build in Ashburn, Va., that will facilitate connectivity among numerous private and public data centers.
Initially announced in January, the Harbor Peak project sets out to bring a seven-mile, multi-duct fiber cable system to facilities throughout Ashburn’s Data Center Alley.
The Harbor Peak conduit and fiber ring is designed to address the ongoing data center interconnection needs in the burgeoning Northern Virginia market. The planned route features a conduit for fiber optic cables to enable multi-path, high-speed connectivity, with initial availability of at least 864 count fiber.
The underground infrastructure system will provide local and long-haul dark fiber capacity and conduit access, with easy access points to enable interconnection. The network will enable lateral connections into the many data centers surrounding the conduit system, and interconnect to Harbor Link’s 60-mile conduit build along I-95 to Washington D.C. and Baltimore, Md., totaling approximately 300 route miles between the networks.
Harbor Peak specializes in the development of infrastructure to support the digital transport needs of carriers, OTT’s and technology clients. With a focus on securing fiber routes and computing facilities that provide for diversity, scalability and cost efficiency, the company’s capabilities also include last-mile access in metro areas and data centers.
When complete, the network will offer data center operators throughout the region access to a resilient conduit and fiber network ring that meets or exceeds G.652.d fiber specifications and standards.
Carriers, data center providers and network operators will be able to use the Harbor Peak network to meet their connectivity requirements for either conduit or dark fiber access with leased options as well as long-term indefeasible right or use (IRUs). The system is expected to be ready for service by the end of June 2024.
For more information and ongoing updates, visit: https://harborpeak.net/ashburn-project/ to learn more about Harbor Peak, click here.