The market for enterprise and consumer security client software for mobile devices is set to skyrocket, according to Infonetics Research, reaching $4.1 billion in 2018, a five-year CAGR of 25 percent.
“Real mobile threats are here, and the explosive growth we forecast for the mobile device security software market comes from the ever-expanding population of consumer and enterprise users looking to apply a consistent security policy to devices, combat a massive volume of threats — particularly aimed at Android devices — and deal with rogue apps and the emergence of revenue-generating threats like screenlockers,” said Jeff Wilson, principal analyst for security at Infonetics Research.
In the second quarter of 2014, global mobile device security software revenue grew 10 percent sequentially, to $466 million. Asia-Pacific accounted for 35 percent of security client revenue in 2Q14, with North America next at 33 percent, EMEA at 29 percent and Latin America at 3 percent.
Important for channel partners, enterprise mobile client revenue made up 55 percent of the total security client market in the second quarter, while consumer mobile security client revenue comprised 45 percent.
“We’re also watching the convergence of mobile device management, mobility, SSL VPN and pure mobile device security, because this union has a significant impact on the long-term opportunity for selling mobile security clients,” Wilson said.