More than a Third in U.S. Use Personal Device at Work

An IDG Global Solutions (IGS) survey found a growing overlap between home and work use among participants in 43 countries. Forty-one percent of respondents use their private smartphone for business while almost as many use a tablet (37%). Private/business tablet use ran as high as 59% in Asia Pacific and Latin America to 36% in North America and 29% in Western Europe.

The 25,601 respondents to an online survey fielded from March to May 2013 said they rely heavily on both devices to read email (93%-94%) and download or use mobile apps (67%-71%). They are also actively seeking industry news and conducting research about technology issues and products.

When asked if a tablet is their primary computer, respondents in Middle East/Africa led the way at 43% followed by respondents in Latin America and Asia Pacific at around 30% each. Users in North America and Western Europe came in at 19% and 18%, respectively.

On average, 56% of smartphone users use their devices to make purchases and 73% of tablet users make purchases with their devices, but in each case the vast majority buy personal products or services rather than those intended for work purposes.