Open AFC to Facilitate Wi-Fi 6E Outdoor Project in Brazil

Co-chairs of the Telecom Infra Project Open AFC software project – Broadcom Inc. and Cisco Systems Inc. – have demonstrated that Open AFC (automated frequency coordination) has implemented the changes required to enable standard power Wi-Fi operations for internet service providers in Brazil.

This could lead to a decision on the conditions of use for standard power devices in the 6 GHz band and ensure their unlicensed use in outdoor and indoor environments.

Broadcom and Cisco completed the approval and integration phase of their AFC technologies to ensure strong connectivity for Brazilians in outdoor areas. This was achieved through a partnership with internet providers associated with ABRINT – an entity that brings together more than 1,800 companies in the sector in all 27 Brazilian states. The DSA’s expectation is the conditions for outdoor use of the 6 GHz band will be released by ANATEL.

DSA is a global organization that defends laws and regulations for more efficient use of spectrum. ANATEL is Brazil’s National Telecommunications Agency.

“Brazil has been a global leader in authorizing the use of the 6 GHz band for Wi-Fi, becoming a hub for development of new technologies, enabling innovation, new use cases and considerable benefits for Brazilians and the national economy”, said DSA President Martha Suarez. “With this development of the Open AFC solution, the Wi-Fi industry is showing its commitment to Brazil and our partners who are the small-scale providers (WISPs). The Open AFC system facilitates the operations of the WISPs and is ready to operate as soon as the regulations are established by ANATEL. The new use of the spectrum for Wi-Fi 6E Outdoor in Brazil will benefit Brazilians who need fixed broadband internet access, thereby expanding connectivity in the country”.

The Wi-Fi 6 Outdoor project in Brazil also involves training ISPs on the AFC system for outdoor use of the 6 GHz band by access points. Broadcom and Cisco are the founders of the Open AFC of the Telecom Infra Project, which designed a functional AFC platform in open-source software for the project.

For more information, visit the DSA website.