PacketFabric has announced that Dave Ward will be joining the company as CEO.
Dave joins PacketFabric from Cisco, where he was the company’s Chief Technology Officer of Engineering, Chief Architect, and a Senior Vice President at Cisco’s Networking and Security Business. Dave led Cisco’s core innovation programs, unifying and advancing strategic co-innovation partnerships and programs with internal business units and external customers, partners, government, developers, academia, standards and open-source groups. These extensive relationships will be invaluable to PacketFabric as the company looks to expand into new product and markets through partnerships and joint ventures.
PacketFabric is fortunate to be led by a network architecture leader recognized for advancing the capabilities of the internet over the past two and a half decades. Dave joined Cisco in 1999 when the company acquired the Internet Engineering Group. He is also one of two individuals to be both Cisco and Juniper Fellows working on the operating system and next-generation routing systems, including ASICS, Optics, and network APIs and SDN.
Dave holds hundreds of patents. His industry leadership around software defined networks, cloud networking, and network function virtualization has led to the formation and progress of numerous open-source, networking, and standards organizations. He has helped catalyze the movement of the networking industry into open source by spearheading major projects that are now foundational in the industry. He served on the Boards of the Alliance for Telecommunications Industry Solutions, Advanced Imaging Society, Linux Foundation, Linux Foundation Networking, ITU Telecommunication Standardization Sector, Governmental Advisory boards and Open Networking Foundation.