Hong Kong-based PCCW Global and G-Mobile, a Mongolian mobile network operator, have signed a wholesale agreement for PCCW Global’s A2P ValueMax SMS fraud prevention solution.
Mobile network operators (MNOs) are often the victims of SMS “grey route” and “sim-box” fraud, where unscrupulous A2P providers take advantage of friendly open-door SMS policies to send bulk messages without paying mobile networks.
Typically, large corporates such as banks, internet companies and airlines make use of these providers’ services in good faith, paying full price for legitimate SMS delivery methods. But some providers then use SMS back doors, bypassing legitimate delivery methods and cutting out MNOs to maximize their profits. These shady delivery practices not only adversely affect global MNOs revenues and profits, they also provide an inferior SMS experience resulting in reduced trust from subscribers and enterprises.
A2P ValueMax combines the on-site installation of SMS firewall with an additional managed security layer. SMS Market Intelligence extensively profiles SMS traffic to provide detailed information about SMS delivery, fraud and pricing.
“The A2P ValueMax solution enables mobile operators to speedily regain control of their revenue streams,” said Ronnie Klingner, president, Mobility, Security and Digital Solutions, PCCW Global. “Its value is not only based on improved security, but also on revenue growth as well. Our intention is to change the SMS ecosystem by reversing the current trend of price erosion and replacing it with a better understanding of SMS market dynamics, while eliminating fraudulent traffic that reduces the real service value of the SMS.”
Magnai Ganzorig, CEO of G-Mobile, added: “As an operator committed to delivering trusted and reliable services to our subscribers, we are looking forward to improved security across our network. Recovering lost revenue will also go a long way to ensure that we are in a position to introduce the very best mobile technologies into our network – advancements that will ultimately benefit our subscriber base.”