The Technology Channel Association (TCA) has named 11 members to its advisory board.
TCA, a non-profit industry trade association focused on the indirect sales channel working in technology and telecom, has a mission is to serve as a voice, best practices driver, champion and resource for the channel and its professionals and develop strong collaborative relationships with the vendor community. The organization provides training, certification and powerful advocacy, which is all helping to define the impact of the indirect channel in a rapidly evolving industry.
Dany Bouchedid of COLOTRAQ; Peter Radizeski of RAD-INFO Inc.; Ian Kieninger of Avant Communications; Jamie Minner of Momentum Telecom; Ken Bisnoff of TelePacific; Kirk Horton of Telx; Tom Gorey of XO Communications; Guy Yasika of Alteva; Jeff Fraser of Salestream Software; Garrett Gee of Level 3 Communications; and Evan Gillman of Transit Broker all will advise the board of directors as it shapes future initiatives within the indirect channel.
“The growing importance of the agent channel makes the TCA’s role ever more important,” says TCA president Jeff Ponts, who is also the COO/executive vice president of Datatel Solutions. “We are very fortunate to be in a position to leverage the experience and leadership of our Advisory Board Members who have deep operational, analytical and industry executive knowledge that provides a uniquely powerful resource for the indirect sales channel community.”
“The formation of the TCA’s new Advisory Board helps us leverage the vast experience and leadership of our membership base. We recognized the opportunity to involve our past board, vendor and agent members to shape the future initiatives of TCA. The TCA Board of Directors are excited to incorporate the wealth of insight the Advisory Board gives us, as we continue to build the voice of the indirect sales channel in telecommunications,” said Dave Wallace, TCA vice president and president of Aligned Communications.