DE-CIX has launched its DE-CIX NGN service, which provides carriers with an interconnection environment for the exchange of VoIP traffic. DE-CIX NGN will be delivered to carriers over DE-CIX Apollon, a global Ethernet platform.
Inexpensive call routing via the Internet is readily available for carriers needing to connect VoIP calls around the globe, but call quality often suffers. DE-CIX NGN customers can go through one interconnection test once and can then start sending andreceiving traffic from customers and suppliers. Operators exchange traffic directly, avoiding the need to use third-party operators. Additional features include transcoding and custom federations inside DE-CIX NGN.
The existing DE-CIX customer base, which represents carriers from more than 60 countries, can use DE-CIX NGN without the need to order additional ports. Other providers can connect to DE-CIX NGN via DE-CIX’s Apollon platform in all major data centers in Frankfurt.
“As a neutral partner, DE-CIX’s mission has always been to ensure the highest quality global Internet connectivity, and DE-CIX NGN further affirms our dedication to this mission,” said Frank Orlowski, CMO for DE-CIX. “DE-CIX’s goal is to ensure that carriers’ lives are less complex. We have supported the ISP and carrier community for almost 20 years and work every day to build and run the infrastructure that enables carriers to deliver the reliable, high-quality services their customers demand.”
DE-CIX said that it is investigating further rollout of the service to other DE-CIX locations, such as DE-CIX New York.