Hammer Fiber has progressed in the completion of its Sierra Leone fixed wireless network as well as the expansion of its global SMS messaging network.
The first point of presence in Freetown, Sierra Leone is nearing completion, with all of the in-building deployment and construction having been completed. Once final delivery of intercompany telecommunications infrastructure has been accepted, the network will be live.
Hammer plans to offer local access to other global operators on a wholesale basis. Carrier customers will have the option of accepting delivery of services in Freetown or at certain European points of presence, either as point-to-point facilities or in-country direct internet access.
While construction is progressing on networks in West Africa and with its partners in the Eastern Caribbean, Hammer’s subsidiary, 1stPoint Communications, has continued building out its robust SMS messaging platform. Building on its U.S. messaging network and nationwide CMRS license, 1stPoint is adding several international direct routes to tier one operators worldwide.
As these interconnections are completed, messaging services are being offered to Hammer’s existing retail customers as well as on a wholesale basis.