Hudson Fiber Wraps Low-Latency NY/NJ Fiber Upgrade

Hudson Fiber Network (HFN), a U.S.-based transport and IP services provider, has completed its latest fiber network upgrade–it took the company just 90 days. It now offers connectivity to every major financial trading platform in the New York and New Jersey metropolitan area.

The HFN route upgrade decreases its length by roughly .8km south of Mahwah, shortening all paths and providing the lowest latencies and fiber distances from Mahwah to 755 Secaucus Road, Secaucus/NY4; 165 Halsey Street, Newark; Federal Boulevard, Carteret, N.J. and 300 Boulevard East, Weehawken, N.J.; and 111 8th Avenue in New York City .  Official Optical Time Domain Reflectometer (OTDR) metrics are available on all enhanced routes. Customers can automatically migrate to the new paths without additional OPEX, the company said.

“We are first to provide this level of performance to every major trading platform in the NY/NJ metro area,” said Keith Muller, CEO of HFN. “This latest upgrade is a major step in our strategy to deliver the complete portfolio of ultra-low-latency solutions for financial services facilities in the region.”

The upgrade brings dark fiber and lit services, as well as HFN’s passive wave offering to financial services sector clients needing low-latency connectivity between critical financial services facilities.

“HFN purpose-builds each design for its clients. This upgrade is a milestone in performance for all of them,” added Brett Diamond, president of HFN. “Our customers have overwhelmingly selected to automatically upgrade to the new route, which we have been able to provide at no additional expense.”

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