On November 19, INCOMPAS joined with the Competitive Carriers Association (CCA) in a filing to oppose a request from incumbent local exchange carriers (LECs) for a further extension of the upcoming comment and reply comment deadlines in the special access proceeding.
Less than two weeks after the Commission partially granted the incumbents LECs’ request for an extension to account for delays parties experienced in gaining access to the data set, the incumbents sought another extension request, asking that the deadlines be delayed until 12 weeks from the time when the data set is “stable” and all “remaining impediments” to analyzing the data are removed.
In a declaration submitted with the INCOMPAS/CCA filing, Jonathan Baker, a leading economist with extensive experience overseeing the analysis of large data sets, noted that the incumbents and their economist exaggerate the problems with the special access data set and overstate the impact that these issues will have on parties’ ability to conduct a timely analysis.
INCOMPAS and CCA urged the Commission to reject this request and continue its progress toward adopting much-needed reform of the special access marketplace.