Kaspersky has been recognized for the quality of its partner program in the Canalys Worldwide Vendor Benchmark.
The company was named the top cybersecurity vendor for channel satisfaction after achieving the highest overall rating (75.8 percent) when compared to 10 other cybersecurity vendors.
The Canalys Worldwide Vendor Benchmark gives the channel reassurance over which vendors provide the best service in several sectors, including cybersecurity and service features. The benchmark is an objective comparison of channel partner programs, measuring how vendors perform in a range of key categories.
Canalys has found that Kaspersky has improved in overall performance in the last 12 months, achieving a +7.7 percent year-on-year score increase. According to the Canalys Worldwide Vendor Benchmark, this year Kaspersky scored maximum ratings for product availability and supply (83.7 percent) and ease of doing business (78.4 percent).
The largest year-on-year rating rise is seen in accreditation and specialization programs (+ 9.9 percent). This growth area sits alongside increases in the effectiveness of how the company approaches partner account management (+ 8.7 percent) and margin retention and profitability (+ 8.7 percent).
Kaspersky has continued its efforts in attracting new partners and offering more benefits to new and existing partners. The launch of a new partner program, Kaspersky United, at the start of 2019 was one of steps to address these priorities. Kaspersky United helps partners monetize their specialisms and gain more rewards from working with Kaspersky, as well as get more expertise, education and marketing opportunities.