The digital edition of ChannelVision May – June 2014 issue is now available for online viewing…
ChannelVision May – June 2014 Reports:
(20) Data Analytics Down to Size – By Martin Vilaboy
Data analytics platforms are often associated with large-scale projects accessible only to the largest of enterprises, but partners can help SMBs take small steps toward leveraging the competitive advantages of big data.
(29) Automation and Communication – By Bruce Christian
The rise of business process automations is impacting several elements of IT and communications usage within SMBs.
(38) Masters of More Than A Ring
The 2014 Directory of Master Agencies.
ChannelVision Magazine Regulars:
Alternate Views
(6) Beyond the Shadow
Direct Feed
(8) Augmented realities
(8) Channel group evolves
(10) VoIP up 8%
(12) New networks
(14) Security warnings
(14) More M&A
(16) Already-assembled conferencing
Data Points
(20) Numbers worth noting
(64) A Star is born
About ChannelVision Magazine:
ChannelVision is a bi-monthly digital and print magazine, by channel partners selling all manner of voice, data, access, managed and business services (both on premise and “in the cloud”), as well as, technology, gear, and equipment. ChannelVision is a highly focused and efficient way for service providers, hardware, and software companies to reach experienced channel partners targeting the small/medium business space. Serving a controlled circulation of providers and indirect distributors of communications, network, IT and cloud-based business services, ChannelVision is telecom’s gateway to perspective on how to adapt, what to sell, and how to sell it.