Master agency Telarus Inc. is expanding the availability of Comcast Business Class enterprise products for its partners with the availability of detailed, direct price quotes for all Ethernet services, including Metro Ethernet. Telarus can request site surveys, receive construction estimates and configure the final solution and price points—prior to creating a customer contract.
Telarus is the first Comcast Business Class Solution Provider to offer this service to its independent sales partners.
“Offering unique value to our partners is the main goal of our company,” said Adam Edwards, president of Telarus. “With the ability to request truck rolls and to handle Comcast fiber pricing requests ourselves, our partners can expect an expedited response. Not only does direct-quoting help our partners, it also lightens the support load we place on Comcast Business Services.”
Telarus has been a Comcast Business Class Solution Provider since the program was launched in March 2011, and was one of three initial master agents invited into the program. Since then, Telarus has created the industry’s only paperwork generator software, GeoSign, to facilitate the growth of its Comcast order volume.
“Our support staff is trained and ready to go,” added Andrew Morgan, vice president of operations for Telarus. “Once we know what the construction fees are going to be as a result of the site survey, our team will be able to follow established business rules to determine the monthly fee and potentially eliminate any applicable setup fees. Most importantly, we’ll now have complete management over our partner’s experience when it comes to requesting Ethernet pricing for Comcast Business Class fiber services.”
Comcast Business Class has 138,000 route miles of fiber in 20 of the top 25 markets across the United States. The solution providers that make up the Comcast Business Class channel program have been able to sell Ethernet services in these markets since September 2011.
“Comcast’s suite of Ethernet Internet access, private line and metro area networks are top of the line,” added Robert Butler, vice president of sales for Telarus. “While our partners sell a sizable amount of coax-based Internet and voice services, Ethernet is where we are seeing a lot of excitement. With speeds up to 10GB and price points that are very competitive in the marketplace, we expect to see a healthy increase in demand for Comcast Business Class Ethernet.”