Unify has announced Black Box Network Services in North America, Everything Voice in the United Kingdom, and COMNET in Germany as New Way to Work Global Ambassadors of the channel.
These Unify partners offer a profile for how unified communication and collaboration (UCC) products and services are delivered, the company said.
“It’s important that we humanize the enterprise by selling solutions based on customer needs and not just the latest technology,” said Jon Pritchard, executive vice president of worldwide channels at Unify. “As the market and channel continue to evolve, so must our understanding of buying behavior and the decision-making process. We see our New Way to Work Global Ambassadors of the channel as leaders who are ushering in a new age of how business is conducted, driving new revenue sources and bettering the ecosystem for all involved.”
Traditionally, IT heads played a pivotal role as the UCC decision-makers. However, there has been a shift in the market as innovation and technology have become a priority for the C-Suite.
“Leading channel players are now appealing to the CMO and CIO as they embrace this new market reality,” Unify explained. “Software-as-a-solution offerings empower any line of business to leverage technology to make work better for their own teams as well as customers.”