July – August 2013 (Digital Edition)
ChannelVision July – August 2013 Reports:
(24) It’s Grey Area – by Mark Austin
Digital usage policies are turning to corporate users rather than the devices.
(30) Changing Lanes – by Tara Seals
Although just one area of the massive M2M segment, connected cars represent a huge opportunity, and telecom providers will be a key player in the ecosystem that takes it mainstream.
(38) Prepaid Gets Smarter – by Martin Vilaboy
Smarter consumers, smarter devices and smarter networks are transforming the prepaid segment, leading to service offerings that are worth a second, or even third, look for all types of distributors.
(48) Go Big – by Tara Seals
After a few years of experimentation and early-adopter successes, enterprise IT departments look ready to place big bets on big data analytics.
ChannelVision Magazine Regulars:
Alternate Views
(6) Turf wars
Direct Feed
(8) Bust 2.0
(12) More with less, energy
(14) Telephony’s tough quarter
(16) SMBs hiring
(18) Security risk-takers
Data Points
(20) Numbers worth noting
(54) Channel eye candy
(58) ARPU ups and downs
To the Cloud
(60) TCA turns five
(64) Think local recovery
(66) ANPI’s partner playbook
In the Trenches
(68) Connecticut conversations
(70) Alliance gains momentum
(71) Fire selling
July – August 2013 (Digital Edition)
About ChannelVision Magazine:
ChannelVision is a bi-monthly digital and print magazine, by channel partners selling all manner of voice, data, access, managed and business services (both on premise and “in the cloud”), as well as, technology, gear, and equipment. ChannelVision is a highly focused and efficient way for service providers, hardware, and software companies to reach experienced channel partners targeting the small/medium business space. Serving a controlled circulation of providers and indirect distributors of communications, network, IT and cloud-based business services, ChannelVision is telecom’s gateway to perspective on how to adapt, what to sell, and how to sell it.