This post was sponsored by Bicom Systems, a leading provider of VoIP phone systems and cloud services.
There is no question that people are very busy today. Some individuals block off time in their day just to go to the washroom. But it’s not our fault we are like this. We have come a long way from dial-up internet and are now accustomed to online retailers like Postmates, where you can get anything delivered in under an hour. No one has time anymore and in such a busy society you don’t want to feel like your time is being wasted.
If you are saving time by pre-ordering your groceries, you should be saving time with a hosted solution.
To start, hosted telephony installations are way faster! They can be done remotely and, depending on the size of your business, can be completed in a few days or even hours. With hosted, there is no hardware to install and no physical problems that could arise. The whole implementation process is done virtually with a keyboard and a mouse.
The way hosted telephony is installed is helpful for when it is time for a new upgrade or to install updates. With an on-premise model, you may need to replace the entire device. The replacement process can vary in time depending on the size of the company but ultimately it means loss of production time. Updating your hosted solution will not interrupt business operations. It is not only more efficient, but also more effective.
A hosted solution is extremely scalable. You have the ability to scale your business bigger or smaller. With a few clicks of your mouse, you can add or subtract features and extensions in a matter of seconds. Changing an on-premise solution is more time consuming and expensive.
Speaking of adding features, hosted telephony offers features that are guaranteed time-savers! Bicom Systems desktop and mobile communication applications, gloCOM and gloCOM GO, make it possible for users to work anywhere with an internet connection. Users will save time having to catch up on messages because they can still be reached while traveling.
Your employees in the IT department will no longer have the burden of maintenance and support. Hosting with Bicom Systems means we can be your ”IT Guys.”
Our servers are monitored 24/7, 365 days a year from 5 different monitoring centers worldwide. We receive notifications in real time, letting us know if the server or carrier is down. Let your IT team focus on other important tasks, instead of monitoring your servers.
Finally, storing your data to the cloud will also save you time! The search and retrieval aspect of a hosted solution is extremely useful. Bicom Systems PBXware allows you to use Google Drive, Dropbox or Amazon S3 to archive your data.
To learn more reasons why you should switch to hosted, check out our free e-book here. If you want to learn more about Bicom Systems visit our website or send our sales team an email at
Laura Kyle is a marketing assistant for Bicom Systems (