Aryaka is releasing a content delivery network (CDN) that is purpose-built for the enterprise.
Available via the indirect channel, the solution combines a private core network with caching, compression and TCP optimization built on globally distributed points-of-presence (POPs). Aryaka’s CDN offers global private connectivity with content acceleration, and dedicated network and cache resources.
Aryaka’s CDN will extend beyond the origin-to-edge optimization offered by traditional CDNs, providing multi-segment TCP optimization for the first, middle and last mile, with the middle mile riding on Aryaka’s private core network.
“The CDN market is highly commoditized, where the vendors mainly focus on POP locations, server counts and on addressing the needs of large content providers like social media companies and video streaming sites,” said Ajit Gupta, founder and CEO of Aryaka. “Aryaka is different. Our solution started from our WAN optimized global private network and has evolved to address the growing needs for enterprise content and application performance. This content earlier resided either on the WAN or on the Internet.”
He added, “The cloud and mobility have changed all that and lines are starting to blur. Aryaka’s CDN combined with our global WAN services meets the urgent need for high-performance, business-class connectivity and optimization for both private and public users who absolutely must access important enterprise content from anywhere, on any device. As businesses expand internationally, this need becomes even more pressing. Our CDN solution expands our cloud-based portfolio of networking services, each designed to meet those evolving enterprise needs.”