Couchbase Inc., a database provider for enterprise applications, announces that Couchbase Capella now manages and fully hosts Couchbase Mobile application services. The enhanced offering makes it easier for developers to design and deploy fast and resilient mobile applications that sync data between the cloud and connected devices.
As a fully managed service, development teams can save time, effort and resources by streamlining setup configuration, synchronization and ongoing database services management.
“Mobile capabilities are a key component for our customers’ modern applications, and we selected Couchbase specifically because it is the only database that can meet our needs for distributed offline-first mobile apps, performance and scale,” said Daniele Angeli, CEO and founder of MOLO17. “Now with Capella App Services, we get a fully managed cloud database along with managed mobile sync services. This new innovation accelerates our development and helps us use our resources more efficiently to ultimately deliver the best mobile applications to our customers.”
Without robust bi-directional synchronization, mobile applications can suffer from incorrect or lost data, leading to frustrated application end-users, delayed operations and additional costs. Seamless mobile experiences are a core attribute of today’s modern applications and must be powered by a database that can support backend app services such as synchronization to maintain data integrity and consistency.
“Organizations need a database that can meet modern performance demands; with Capella we are uniquely positioned to significantly improve flexibility, deliver distributed and mobile experiences and drive down the total cost of ownership for customers,” said Scott Anderson, senior vice president of Product Management at Couchbase. “The number one request we receive is to add our unmatched mobile services to Capella. By unifying the entire Couchbase product offering under Capella, we are delivering all of Couchbase as-a-service with a highly competitive cloud offering that makes it easier for developers to build the next great mobile and IoT applications.”
Integrating Couchbase Mobile into Capella means customers get the best of Couchbase as-a-service:
- Easy to manage for architects – One united Capella management user interface for DBaaS and Mobile that can deploy and manage Capella App Services. This application service can connect to edge and mobile devices, facilitating data synchronization and making it easier for customers to manage Capella from the cloud through the edge.
- Easy to build for developers – Capella is a one-stop shop for developers, who can leverage SQL, SDKs and extensive platform and language support to build fast and resilient mobile apps that sync from the cloud to edge devices, while delivering offline-first data access, peer-to-peer syncing and automatic data conflict resolution.
- More mobile use cases – Managing the synchronization gateways through Capella App Services expands the kinds of business-to-employee and business-to-consumer application use cases that Capella can support such as gaming, field employee support and customer experience.
Couchbase Capella with mobile capabilities is available in private beta for customers. Contact your Couchbase sales representative for more details.
Additionally, today Couchbase announce it has extended Capella to Google Cloud, adding multicloud capabilities to its high-performance and easy-to-use DBaaS. Developers get maximum flexibility across cloud service providers and can build and scale applications on Google’s expansive cloud infrastructure with just a few clicks.
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