Vectra AI Study Examines Security Considerations of Increasing AWS Use

Vectra AI  released the findings of its “PaaS & IaaS Security Survey Report,” noting a “rapid” expansion and reliance on AWS services. This document examined the responses of 317 IT execs using Amazon Web Services (AWS), 70 percent of which in an organization with more than 1,000 employees.

The threat-detection and response firm also noted several security “blind spots” observed by the organizations.

Particular findings as relates to AWS included

  • AWS noted as an “even more critical component” to organizations seeking to regularly deploy new workloads.
  • DevOps respondents deploying new workload services weekly or “more frequently” at a 64 percent rate.
  • 78 percent of enterprises running AWS across multiple regions, 40 percent of which in “at least three.”
  • 71 percent of respondents using over four AWS services.

One troubling statistic was that 100 percent of those surveyed have experienced “at least one” security incident in a public cloud environment, with 30 percent of organizations having no formal sign-off prior to pushing to production; 40 percent indicating no DevSecOps workflow and 71 percent noting that 10 or more workers could potentially modify the company’s entire infrastructure to create hacker attack vectors.

Still, Vectra AI indicated that more-than-half of companies reported having “double-digit” security operations center headcounts, a sign of increased investment in the area.