Zomentum Adds Tech Assessment Tools

Zomentum, creators of an intelligent revenue platform for technology partners, adds a growing library of technology assessment tools accessible within the Zomentum sales acceleration application.

The additions include assessments for compliance with:

The NIST, GDPR, U.K. Cyber Essentials and ACSC Essential Eight templates are the latest additions to the Zomentum sales application library, which also includes the Center for Internet Security Inc. (CIS) and Microsoft 365 security assessments.

Zomentum plans to add compliance assessment tools for compliance with Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA), ISO27001, SOC2 and more.

Users of the Zomentum sales app also can customize these assessment frameworks or create their own as needed.

Zomentum’s cloud-based sales acceleration application enables technology partners to manage their workflows as they assess customer needs, design quotes and proposals, convert opportunities to revenue, automate tedious sales tasks, analyze sales pipelines and expand accounts with QBRs and upsells.

With Zomentum, on average, IT partners can create documents 70 percent faster and close twice as many deals with a 600 percent increase in deal value.

Learn more at www.zomentum.com.