[Recorded on Wednesday, July 19, 2017 @ 2pm, EDT]
If you want to be in the telephony and communications services business, the barrier to entry has been steadily falling for decades. Agents, Resellers, White Label Resellers, and Platform Providers are players of this ecosystem. You can build a revenue stream by participating at any level.
In this 45-minute seminar, Jayson Jones from SkySwitch explained the benefits and pitfalls of building your business around each of these roles and why you should want to work your way up the revenue chain.
We invite you to watch the recording and learn how to stop letting your upstream partners control the fate of your customers and how much revenue you can generate.
Watch this video and walk away with actionable insights on:
- The definitions of Agent, Reseller, White Label Reseller, and Platform
- How each of these participants earn their revenue and their responsibilities to their customers and partners – explained in each above section
- The benefits and pitfalls of participating at each level
- How to maximize your profits based on your customer relationships, technical skills and other resources
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